Adult Blog, a premium adult entertainment app, conducted a study to rank the cities with the most Adultnudes sex dates in the world.
They looked at a ton of data and various ranking factors and were able to rank 100 cities around the world from the cities with the most Adultnudes sex date offers to the cities with the least Adultnudes sex date offers. Poor Cork.
All 100 cities were rated on 10 different factors in three main categories: Libido, Sex and City, and Society and Sex.
There will be multiple winners in each category/ranking factor, but there can only be one overall winner. They took a closer look at how sexually active adults are, how often they use Adultnudes sex dating, how much they enjoy porn, and even which porn terms are most searched for. You can also find out which cities have the highest adult sex scores. Want to party? Over 450,000 adults, both men and women, between the ages of 18 and 70, participated in the survey. A study like this requires a lot of data, and adult blogs understand that. They went all out and used the app as the main data source to select the most sex-friendly cities in the world.
According to the adult blog, “To be truly sexually tolerant, we also believe that a city must have easy access to modern contraception, a positive attitude towards the LGBT community, and equal rights for all.”
Then they linked all their findings to reports from health authorities in each country. In the Adult Sex Score, we combined adult sex club and group listings. Now you know where to find the right adult sex party.
The overall winner, the city with the best sex scene on the planet, is Paris, France. Rio de Janeiro and London, both in Brazil, came in second and third, Los Angeles in fourth, and Berlin in fifth. The most sexually active adults who like to experiment the most live in Rio de Janeiro. No wonder they are planning to open Brazil’s first sex theme park, Adultnudes Sex Dating.
And while London is the most LGBT-friendly city, most adults live in Berlin. I never knew people in Berlin and London were so naughty.
When it comes to the amount of porn consumed by its citizens, five North American cities are in the top 10, but the number one city is, you guessed it, none other than Sin City, also known as Los Angeles. Is anyone surprised by these results? To be honest, I didn’t expect London to be so open-minded. Needless to say, I thought Amsterdam and Ibiza Town would score higher. But the numbers don’t lie.
In addition to talking about the most sex-positive cities, let’s also find out which cities are the least sex-friendly. If you choose your travel destination based on the sex factor, these five cities are not for you. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to most of them and they are truly beautiful and worth a visit.